By using Estlcam 10.045 Crack, you can access all the features of the software without paying anything. Estlcam 10.045 Crack is usually distributed as a zip file that contains the cracked executable file and a readme file with instructions on how to install and use it. I hope that you understand my bad english. Estlcam 10.045 Crack is a cracked version of Estlcam 10.045, which is a paid software that costs 59 euros for a lifetime license. Estlcam 10.045 Crack is a modified version of Estlcam that bypasses the license verification and allows you to use the full features of the software without paying for it. I can use the CNC shield ver3 with estlcam, but how I can set the "home" for dremel and the "home" for laser?. For cut and engrave a panel I must assign two "home", one for the dremel and one for the laser and with repetier this is impossible (I think), and estlcam don't work with Ramps 1.4, how I can resolve my problem ( use of dremel and laser with the same tool). The problem is that the "center" of the spindle is different respect the center of the laser. For this I use a support on the Z axis, where I installed the dremel together with the laser module.

I use MPCNC with a Dremel and with a laser module for cut and engrave acrylic panel.

The movement on the axis are ok (if with repetier I move the axis X for 100mm, the mostly move the axis for 10 cm etc.), but If I connect the Ramps and program it with the function "arduino mega" in estlcam, the stepper don't work. The ramp's work perfectly, I use it with Marlin firmware, Aspire and Repeiter and it work very fine.